Thank You For Your Interest In My FacebookLIVE Training!
I did my best to try to give you as much information without overloading you with all the new features. I hope you enjoy it and I cant wait to see you in some upcoming FacebookLIVE broadcasts of your own.
I Remember when I started the LIVE broadcasts, I was super nervous and found that the best way to keep myself accountable was to do a 30 day FacebookLIVE challenge.
I encourage you to do the same, and please reach out to me if you want any extra tips or help getting started with your LIVE broadcasts.
Even use me to practice on at first if you like. (only share your videos privately with me)
Remember you can contact me anytime through Facebook.
Or through my email at
I hope you can tell from my training’s, website and strategy resources that I am very approachable and I’d be happy to jump on a call or zoom to go through anything you feel you’d like to discuss, that might get you moving forward in a direction you feel more comfortable with for your business. I’m very grateful that I’ve made a connection with you.
Please feel free to use the information as you please, but I would appreciate if you didn’t share the webinar itself without permission.
Two checklists below for you to download, print and save.
I look forward to connecting with you more and following your success.
Keep being Amazing, Authentic and Inspiring
Janelle Emma xx