7 Tips On How To Personally Brand Yourself Correctly
There is so much importance to branding yourself when it comes to the home business and network marketing industries. We have to be very aware that in order to have long-term success in the industry, we need to be putting ourselves out there and branding ourselves for this profession to work properly and in our favour. Why is that?
If we want people to know, like and trust us in this profession, we have to remember that no one really cares about what we are promoting or selling until they feel they know and trust us enough and they know how we can personally help them.
Our home business and network marketing profession is built on trust and building rapport and is very crucial in our approach to our prospects and contacts. You want to be looked upon as someone who can provide something unique that makes your prospects want to keep returning to you time and time again.
Offering value plays a big part in this and by offering loads of free value will help your customers and prospects understand that you are the leader and go-to person they can rely on.
If we are purely out there branding the company and products we promote, it starts to come across as sales-y, as spam-my and in the long-term it can get us in trouble if that particular company we were with has something happen to it and isn’t around anymore.
The same goes for if we decide that our values and interests no long lie with that company and we move on to another company, then its a huge risk as all of our contacts and connections knew us for that previous company and may very well not follow us into our new company and new products we are now promoting.
This is why if you are branding you, it doesn’t matter to your customers and prospects who you are with, they follow you for YOU. They see you as someone who can help and provide for their needs no matter what it is your promoting, and they will keep following you long-term regardless of if you change companies or professions etc.
Here are 10 steps that will help you learn how to BRAND YOU!
- Brand your personal name
- Know your target audience
- Be super specific with your tagline/slogan
- have professional looking and fun pictures
- What do you want to be known for
- Your story
- Be your true authentic self
- Be consistent
- Get your brand out there
- Think long-term
In this video below I go through in-depth 7 of these key steps and explain exactly how those steps can help YOU brand yourself. Check it out!
Did you get value from this? I’m very passionate about teaching others the benefits of branding yourself online and would love to help you out with that if needed. Why not drop a comment below if you would like to chat more about this in private.
Keep being Amazing, Authentic and Inspiring.
Janelle Emma xx