Tips for Creating Online Content to generate leads and sales

If you’re wanting to build a network marketing business online, you’re going to need to create online content!!

Creating online content will be the key to your success in generating leads and sales successfully and long-term. The reason for this is because you start to become someone with credibility and of influence to the others in your niche who are watching you and finding value in you.

The more you can serve others and help them with their needs and desires, the more followers you will start to have. Obviously you can serve and help others in a one-on-one situation, but think about how many people there are out there who are in your niche, with the same goals and desires as you, but they are struggling to reach those goals they want to achieve.

By YOU providing value to them and knowing what it is they are struggling with, you will start to get the results in your own business that you desire.

It can be hard to have that mindset to want to serve others and provide valuable content if you feel you are new or inexperienced in the industry yourself.

Have a think about what it is you have learned already from your company or from top leaders you’ve been watching and getting value from already. Use what you are learning and turn it into your own content.

If you feel that:

  • Your too new to the industry
  • You don’t have big results yet
  • You don’t have a lot of people to reach out to
  • You feel no one will listen to you

All of that negative self talk is based around your own ego and mindset. Its based on how you see yourself and not how others see you (ouch)

Our fear about how other people are judging us can really be detrimental to our business success. We need to be less attached to the outcome and less attached to our own self-doubt. Mindset is key!!

80% of your success in network marketing comes down to your mindset!

There is always someone out there who knows less about the industry than you do.

You have value to bring to the ones who are less experienced than you and are looking outside of what they already know for extra help.

Think about what you have already learned yourself so far:

  • Can you successfully INVITE someone to a meeting?
  • Are you up to speed with using 3 WAY CALLS?
  • Can you CLOSE the majority of people at the end of a meeting?
  • Do you know how to recruit on social media and use ATTRACTION MARKETING methods?

 If you answered yes to any of these, or you feel that there are some other aspects in your business that you do really well at and have a lot of success with, use those skills and create content around them.

The same goes for if you’re attending events, buying courses, reading books relevant to our niche or joining webinars etc. These are all paramount to what you could be not only learning for yourself, but also be putting into your own content to provide value to others.

Some examples and effective ways to provide content to your target market are:

  • Video (LIVE or Recorded)
  • Blog posts via a website 
  • An article you’ve written that you post on social media or send to an email list
  • Create a cheat sheet
  • Create a downloadable document
  • Create an E-book

I personally recommend getting your content or message across through videos. Yes, I know they can be scary (I was shocking at them when I first started) but making the first step is where the magic happens.

You will get better and better over time if you choose to do videos and the best part about them is that you will create more of a personal relationship with your audience much FASTER by using video marketing to provide content to them.

I’ve learned over time that not only do people feel like they can get to know you more if you use videos, but they can quickly learn to trust you more and in turn that obviously means more leads, faster sales and sign ups right!!

Why not just go for it?

Don’t try to be too perfect. Just start and you will get better, learn as you go and grow a whole lot more as time goes on.

Be consistent, Be Persistent &

Be Authentic! 

Position yourself as the authority by creating content for your niche and target market.

Make it your mission to help and serve others as much as you can. Then watch what happens to your own business success!! 

Was this of value to you? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below and I very much appreciate if you share this and feel this is something your team can learn from as well. 

If you want some epic training for “creating content” and “posting on purpose” click HERE

keep being consistent, persistent and authentic

Janelle Emma xx

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