Have you ever met anyone who was actually successful in Network Marketing? Are you still one of those skeptics that doesn’t like the sound of Network Marketing and thinks its a scam?!!
Your not alone, but I’m here to confidently tell you, that it is a better way and it can change your life dramatically.
When you have big named people like Robert Kyosaki, Donald Trump, Richard Branson who all confidently believe and endorse Network Marketing, its making more people try their hand at the profession.
The low start up costs and large income potential is very appealing to a lot of people wanting to create true wealth for themselves or give themselves an opportunity to have a business of their own, and most people dont know that the products through this industry are of very high quality.
Network marketing can be done on a part time basis if needed and gives you the freedom to work from home with your own hours that you choose. One of the reasons I love Network Marketing is the support, training and tools that are provided to you that will suit your needs when you need them, and this is all part of the learning and journey of course, no extra cost!!
I want to share with you this video below of Maria who is a very high income earner of our company and who is also a very big part of my teams support and lives.
Maria is such a huge support to us here in Australia and makes every effort when needed to help us out on our journey. I have personally met Maria at a conference we had in America earlier this year and meeting her face to face, knowing her journey and story of becoming so successful in Network Marketing, and connecting with her on that personal level really instilled in me that normal every day, down to earth people can do this!! I love that I can lean on Maria if and when needed and that I too can be in her position one day with daily action and perseverance. Check her video out!!!
There is an amazing statistic that 95% of people who stick with network marketing for 5 years will make a 6 figure income!!!! That’s not bad for a home based business that I can do working in the nooks and crannies of my life, with a small start up cost right!! I know what ill be doing for the next 5 years hehe.
I encourage you to watch Maria’s video and to take some time to really look into Network Marketing if you think its something you would like to do!!
If you found value in this post, please share some love by leaving me a comment below and I truly thank Maria for taking the time out of her exciting life to do this video for me, she truly is a huge inspiration in my life!!! We love you maria mwah!
Janelle Emma xx
thanks Jim, are you in network marketing yourself? I appreciate you taking the time to comment