by Janelle Emma | Mar 10, 2017 | Attraction Marketing & Personal Branding, Business & Training
As I mentioned in my last Time Management Post our Money Making Activities (MMA) are crucial for our success! Prospecting should be your number one priority and be done every single day above all other money-making activities. After that you can map out your week...
by Janelle Emma | Mar 6, 2017 | Attraction Marketing & Personal Branding, Business & Training
Better Time Management For Quicker Results In Your Business Everyone is super busy these days and no matter what profession or industry we are in or even if we are a stay home mum we really need to learn the crucial skills of time management! I want to go through some...
by Janelle Emma | Mar 2, 2017 | Business & Training
Encourage your fence sitters and prospects to join faster with this super powerful closing! If you’re getting a lot of prospects sitting on the fence or saying the ol’ “I’ll think about it” scenario or “This looks interesting,...
by Janelle Emma | Feb 27, 2017 | Business & Training
Business Presentation TIP to help you CLOSE instead of turning people away Do You get many rejections or objections when you have finished presenting your opportunity to prospects? Are you hearing objections like: Is this a pyramid I want to think about it Let me talk...
by Janelle Emma | Feb 20, 2017 | Attraction Marketing & Personal Branding, Business & Training
3 Things You Should Be Doing To Empower & Inspire Your Team When building a team and growing into the role of becoming a leader there are 3 things that you want to be doing consistently to empower and inspire your team. Your team needs to feel Challenged,...