Self Care “Wellness” Tips For The Busy Work At Home Mum

As mum’s with a home based business we try to be super mum’s and put so much pressure on ourselves to be the best we can be for everyone around us and wanting to cram so much into our day to feel like we achieved enough to help our business grow. Would you Agree?

Doing so can lead to overwhelm, anxiety and stress which we don’t need!!

I wanted to address with you today 6 tips that I feel are paramount for keeping your well-being in check and to help your stress levels from taking over while running a home business in the nooks and crannies of your families lives.

I think that having the opportunity to have a home business while still watching our kids grow up is such a wonderful opportunity to have, but we still need to look after ourselves first and foremost!! Otherwise, who will take care of the family if we end up getting too run down and burnt out!!?


1: Take Frequent Breaks

This is not only good to reset your thoughts, but is also necessary for your overall health. Long periods of sitting in-front of a computer is bad for posture, circulation, joints etc. Get up and have some fun with your kids and try doing things like going outside for five minutes to get fresh air.


2: Know your limits/ Ask for help

Being a super mum can completely drive us into the ground and cause unwanted stress, anxiety, overwhelm and health issues. Why not outsource certain jobs/tasks in your life that could possibly take the strain off yourself and give you more business or family time. Outsource things like cleaning, certain business tasks, even a babysitter once in a while.

Learn to say no to things or to people. Its bad enough that we take on so much and put so much pressure on ourselves for our own household. So learn to say NO more often. 

Being selfish by resting or taking time out is much better for your overall health and well-being. It’s OK to put yourself first, you don’t want to burn out all together.


3: Stay Connected

In the midst of becoming busy with the work at home mum life we sometimes forget to keep our family and friend connections strong. Pick a few hours once a week to either call or catch up with a close friend or family members. Let your hair down, even have someone watch the kids for a couple of hours or join a local social group.


4: Exercise/Meditate regularly

Exercise doesn’t have to mean busting yourself and over doing it, but even a 30 minute walk each day can help clear the mind and keep your health in check. Meditation, Pilates, Yoga are also all forms “exercise” that can help with your physical and mental health. Why not try some guided meditation each night before nodding off to sleep.


5: Practice Gratitude & Journal Your Thoughts

There’s no better way to lift your spirits and create calmness than to be grateful each day. 

Journal daily all of the things you are grateful for (it can be small things like, the smell of coffee, your kids giggles, the beautiful sunshine). Journal these thoughts each day along with positive affirmations and your success you’ve had for that day. Even journal about the things you want to improve on for your business can really help to have a clearer vision on the things you need to work on moving forward. The more grateful we are, the more abundance and positiveness we see in life.


6: Have A “To Do” List & Schedule Everything

I love “To Do” lists, they keep me on track daily and show me that even though I may not feel it some days, I am actually getting things done!! This not only keeps us on track but also reduces stress and overwhelm if we have to dash off quickly to attend to our kids and then need to remember where we last left off. I also feel that having a daily diary and a task scheduler of some sort can really help us stay on track.  

Click the button below to get an incredible printable daily planner that I highly recommend home business owners can use to keep their lives on track!! 

Click To Access The Free Download

Was this of value to you? Why not share with me some of your daily tips that you have for self-care and your own well-being while being a work at home mum.

Keep Being Amazing Authentic and Inspiring

Janelle Emma xx

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