How To Get More Prospects Showing Up To Your Meetings
You don’t want to be wasting your time or even your prospects time when prospecting and inviting, but sometimes there are circumstances when life gets in the way and people just wont show up because of those life and family commitments.
But what about the other times? We can’t be hard on ourselves if not everyone shows up, we most likely will never get 100% of the people show.
But if done correctly, using the right strategies, we should be able to get more yes’ than no’s for our meetings whether that’s home, phone or coffee shop meetings etc.
The first thing to do, is always invite more people who you anticipate to show up. So, if you want say- 10 people for your meeting, invite 20-25. Typically you will get half show up and that’s purely because life can get in the way as mentioned and we need to set our expectations in a way that doesn’t make us too deflated to not want to do more meetings.
So how is it that you get more people showing up?
Why not get the person to commit to bringing something along to the meeting with them! (what a great idea that is). Ask them to bring something like, a cheese platter, a fruit platter, a bag of chips, an extra laptop, some extra pens and paper.
This is a great strategy I think, because they then feel they are needed in some way, so are less likely to back out of the invite.
If it’s a phone meeting, get them to admit they are punctual and have committed to that meeting time. If you point out that someone is organised, punctual, on top of things, what this compliment does is sets off another psychological trigger because now they feel you think highly of them and they don’t want to let you down for that appointment.
Now, on the day of the appointment, make sure you are getting confirmation also. Check out the video below for an awesome very brief script you can use as a follow-up call or text that doesn’t come across needy and doesn’t give the prospect the option to saying no.
Did you get value from this? Why not let me know if this is something you would like to or already implement into your meetings.
In this video at the very end you would have also noticed i am doing a webinar soon in regards to what is working for me and my business at this stage. If you would like more info on that, or to be apart of the live meeting, reach out to me in the comments, or privately and I will send you full info.
Keep being Amazing, Authentic and Inspiring.
Janelle Emma xx