Collaborating and Networking
I had a wonderful time meeting some new women today at an amazing event in Brisbane Queensland. The one who runs the group (Petra Jones) has had a Facebook page for quite some time now called “I Am Mumpreneur” and has decided to expand it and create a face to face group alongside the Facebook page.
It so inspiring and amazing that there are other mum’s out there who are also striving to be big things for their family, while still being a stay at home mum and fitting their business into the nooks and crannies of their lives. It makes you feel very empowered going to these events knowing that you aren’t alone and that even though none of us were in the same industry, we can still support and collaborate together.
As mum’s I feel we need to stick together and stick by each other, because support is so important in all aspects of life!!
What an amazing day!
Janelle Emma xx