“Day 2” Connect, Learn and Grow.

I’m very grateful that I have had people wanting to also step out of their comfort zone and join me on this challenge!!! how exciting!!!

I have a Facebook group that we can learn and share our excitement and content in. This was partly the reason for doing this challenge, I not only wanted to learn, and grow from this personally, but I wanted others to do the same, and I love that we can learn, grow and connect together. That’s what life is all about and that’s what helps us to strive to be our best.

Being accountable for our actions makes it all the more worth while and so that’s why I created the group. 

check out the video below.


I’m excited to share day 3 with you, as it will be some notes I take from my company event I’m attending.

See you again soon

Janelle Emma xx

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